vrijdag 4 juli 2014

Things I do to stay healthy

I've been trying to get healthy and losing some weight for about 6 weeks now and i can definitely see some results.Ofcourse there is still more than enough to improve but I can already say i made a big improvement in the healthy lifestyle, and I'll tell you some things that I did that helped me. And if I can, you can.
First of all get rid of the junkfood in your life. No more macdonals on the go, no more candy and cookies when getting home from school and no more crisps late at night. This is probably the biggest thing that has helped me.
I used to eat very unhealthy and that was the main reason why I don't have a flat stomach. I'm not saying that I do have one right now but it is a lot better, Getting rid of all the junkfood and eating healthy foods instead will most likely already make you see the difference in just a couple weeks or even days.
Also a very big thing is drinking water, water  and more water. I'm a very bad water drinker because i really don't like it but i always drink at least 1.5 liter to 2 liters. You can ofcourse also drink tea or make fruit water but I prefer normal water. I myself find water really disgusting in the morning. So that's why the only drink i'll have that day that isn't water will be my first drink in the morning. That drink can be whatever I want as long as it isnt any soda (I do drink lemonade sometimes when that's the only thing avalable)
And then also a tip that has helped me is to not have too much salt in your foods. That is because salt makes you hold more water and that makes your stomach bloted. So try to minimize your salt intake.
And then ofcourse the tips to eat more fruits en veggies but i think that that is very obivous. Your body needs the vitamins that you find in fruit and vegetables so make sure that you eat enough of them.
EXERCISE, this is what I hate most about a healthy lifestyle. I am the most not sporty person alive and i suck at every sport you can think of except horseriding which i stopped about a year ago. So trying to make sure to get enough excersize has always been an issue for me. Here a couple tips of things that I do to stil keep my lazy ass moving.
I walk a lot. And that means that if I'm going somewhere and there is a possibility that I can go there walking I will. Also when shopping try to walk as much as possible because when you are having fun with your friends and spending money you can easily burn 500 kcal just by walking a lot.
Also something that is good if you want a little bit more than just walking is going for a jog. You don't need to run long or fast or good. As long as you do what you can and you keep improving you will see the results. I like to run in the moring after I have had breakfast. Ill first walk a little bit and then just start running. I am really bad like i said earlier so I run really really slow and i can only stay runninh for about twenty minutes but i still keep improving and burning calories and that is what counts.
I hope you have learned something new from these tips and liked reading my blog
Love Saar

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