maandag 7 juli 2014

Who do I follow on youtube

Today I’ll share with you all the amazing youtubers that I follow. I use youtube every day and I can spend hours watching videos of youtubers about all kind of subjects. My personal favorite is ornanization and school organization subjects, and yes I know, I am a nerd. Because I am Dutch there might be some Dutch youtubers that the English talking readers won’t understand but I can assure you that most of the people that I follow are English or American. So here a list of some, not all, of my favorite youtubers

First of all and probably my most favorite youtuber is Macha, Macha is a dutch youtuber and has a beauty account but had lately made a vlog every day. I love this change and I think the vlogs make het channel very unique. Every day the first thing I will check is if there is a new vlog online or if she had made a new video. Het account is called beautygloss.

Then a food youtuber. Fances has a food account and works together with beautygloss. She is therefore also dutch and makes a lot of delicious recipies. The differ from healthy salads to very unhealthy desserts and I would eat all of them. Everything looks very delicious and it is all explained very clear so everybody can easily understand and follow through. So if you are dutch and don’t know what to eat I suggest that you check her  channel foodgloss out.

Another one of my favorites is Ashley.  This girl from Canada has amazing videos and makes a lot of girl talk videos where she, alone or with a guy, awnsers questions that her vieuwers asked her. The topic vary a lot in subject but go from very serious to a little bit dirty but she knows how to bring everything very good without shame.  Her account is called yunging19blogs and her vlog channel is called Ashley Elizabeth.

Evelina is a fashion youtuber and makes videos of her looks but also gives people tips on everything fashion related. I love her style and her accent is just amazing. She is originally from Russia I believe and speaks English. She has now dyed her hair purple and I absolutely love it. It looks really good on her and I am just a very big fan or her. Her account is also called Evelina

Bunny is a youtuber that is very out of the box. Some of you love her and others hate her. I love her, she is so weird and funny that I love watching videos of her. Especially her videos “does this thing really work” are amazing videos where she tests the as seen on tv and tellsell products and it’s just hilarious because she is a bit clumpsy sometimes. She obsessed with everything that is not normal and collects weird things such as broken baby dolls. Also she has a obsession with alligators and her followers are the swamp family.  So check out grav3yardgirl on youtube and enjoy this amazing and weird human being.

These were just a few of the youtubers that I follow and I follow a whole lot more but then this article would get kind of boring but if in the future you want to hear more I will definitely tell you them. I am going on holiday tomorrow and I don’t know if I can upload some more articles but I’ll try my very best to.

Love Saar

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