maandag 3 november 2014

Study Tips

I have just one day of test week left and after studying
 for over a week I decided that now was the perfect
 time to help you out with some of my tips on how to improve your study skills. These tips have always
 helped me getting good results and I hope that you 
will recieve good results too when 
using my tips. 

First I'll list some basic tips that you will find everywhere on the internet. But maybe you haven't read them so I'll post them as a little reminder. And second I'll write about some of my top tips that I use all the time that you probably haven't thought of before.  So lets get started shall we?

1. Sleep well. You have heard of this one.I know you have but you will still study till past midnight and not get enough sleep. Make sure to start studying early because if you sleep 8 hours a night it will actually improve your test results because you will be more focused throughout the day

2. Eat enough. Sometimes you might forget to eat because you are studying so hard or you aren't very hungy due to the stress but make sure that you eat enough. For your brain to function proprerly you need nutritions. Aslo make sure that you eat healthy things like fruits or nuts, Walnuts for example are really good for your brain. But make sure to not overeat on nuts because eventhough they are healthy they still contain a lot of ( healthy) fats and calories. 

3. Take breaks. You might be tempted to study hardcore for 3 hours straight but it has been scientifically proven that taking breaks improves your memorisartion. So take a short break every 15 to 20 minutes and every hour a 10 minute break. This way your brain will absorb the most. 

4. clean your room. If you learn in a very messy room you will constantly be distacted by all the things that are around you and stop you from learning. So make sure your room is clean and neat and you will not be distraced by stuff and you can learn effectively. 

Now some tips that aren't that conventional and that may sound a bit weird but they sure do help me all the time in my tests. 

Youtube, you might think of youtube as a bad distracting that stops you from learning. And it is when you are looking at funny video's and beauty guru's but if you use youtube to get a better understanding it is very helpfull. I use youtube all the time. It can be a great for helping understand complex things in beta subjects and it can give you more information when studying alfa subjects. I find youtube most helpfull for biology, there are a lot of channels that help with that. But I actually use it for all my subjects. 

Talk with friends. This also sounds as a distaction but again, if you do it the proprer way this will actually help you a lot. When you talk with your friends about the subject that you are studying you will get a better understanding and you can explain difficult parts together of help eachother fnd out what it means. Your friends probably also have a different appraoch on the stuff that you need to learn and this too, will help you get that A+  on the test. 

So these where my tips, some you probably knew and some you maybe didn't. I hope that my tips will help you with your tests and thank you for visiting my blog.

Love Saar

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